Sunday, May 11, 2008

One eye, one eye...

Finished the skin on Mr Cyclops. It didn't come out to bad. He seems to be wearing a skirt made out of planks of wood.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

And then there was light..

Just noticed it was fairly bright outside, so took another attempt at picture taking. The extra light made a big difference. The camera could actually focus.

The final highlight looks messy up close, but at arms length it's not so bad. Hopefully it will stand out less when the rest is painted.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Can't work camera...

OK, so I like tried to take like a million pics or something and they all came out blurry, so this post will be heavily descriptive (i.e. boring...)

I've finished the skins tones and blocked in the armour plates. The face turned out alright, but a little darker than I wanted. I had a first serious attempt at doing the eyes and I think they came out reasonably. I've heard a technical pen (whatever that is) can help so maybe I'll try one day. It was tricky to figure out what was armour and what wasn't, but I think I've got it sorted. There are some mysterious buckles which I am not sure what they do. Great!

I've also nearly finished the skin on the cyclops.